Lemon Snow Balls
I love this quick and easy recipe for lemon ice cream! I have actually never put it in the lemon shells...... I just always scoop it and add whatever berries I have on hand! One day I will try it though!
Lemon Snow Balls
Taken from Colorado Collage
5 large lemons
2 teaspoons finely grated lemon zest
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
1 cup whole milk
1 cup whipping cream
1 cup sugar
Garnish with fresh strawberries or raspberries
Cut lemons in half lengthwise to resemble boats. Cut small sliver of peel from bottom of lemons to stabilize base. Remove pulp from lemons to form a shell using a spoon or melon-baller. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze.
In large freezer-safe bowl, combine lemon zest, lemon juice, small splash of limoncello, if desired, milk, and cream. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze 8 hours or up to overnight.
*I use my ice cream maker and it works perfectly!!
Remove from freezer. If necessary to break up ice crystals, process in food processor or beat with electric mixer until smooth. Do not over process; mixture should hold very firm peaks. Spoon into lemon shells, cover and freeze until firm, 2 hours or up to 3 days. Garnish with fresh berries.